{1}{1}25.000 {700}{790} A BAND OF THROTTLS|presents {800}{865}The world has changed. {850}{900}I smell it in the water. {920}{1010}I smell it in the ground. {1020}{1120}I smell it in the wind. {1121}{1200}A lot of things is shit. {1201}{1300}all eyewitnesses pegged out. {1430}{1502}A COUPLE OF METALHEADS {1665}{1753}ones a nutter|has made great rings. {1765}{1839}three of them he stumped up to the cvelves, {1842}{1914}such an weird|fully-fashioned magicians. {1940}{1986}seven to the kings of dwarfs, {2007}{2083}who make stone halls. {2123}{2229}And nine... nine rings|were stolen by Gipsies, {2236}{2332}who were arrested|and the rings were taken by the kings. {2356}{2472}In these rings are microchips by Intel|which rule the world. {2517}{2645}but all were betrayed,|because another ring with microchip was made. {2670}{2765}In the land of Naador,|in the fire of Urob-ruin {2769}{2874}That one nutter Saudruh|illegally made another ring, {2878}{2931}to capture completely everything. {2935}{3029}Into that ring|he put extra strong microchip {3032}{3104}compatible with others. {3155}{3241}One ringosh, rules them all. {3268}{3314}Second after third... {3319}{3417}...Free lands of Mildew-earth|were crushed by the power of Microchip. {3427}{3507}But some made mess. {3516}{3630}Those who didn't kill each other yet|marched against Naador's army. {3635}{3737}And below Urob-ruin|fought against the monopole of Intel. {4468}{4509}They almost killed them all. {4647}{4738}But microchip|had too strong batteries. {5327}{5442}And when they wanted to go home, {5445}{5547}Grasped Romadur|son of that king his sword.. {6291}{6384}Saudruh, the biggest|customer of Intel {6388}{6425}was fucked. {6610}{6667}The ring stole Romadur. {6670}{6764}He could totaly|destroy that chip. {6788}{6888}But that blockhead|spoiled it. {6909}{6989}And the chip has its own source. {7223}{7314}It sneezed at Romadur and made off. {7375}{7496}What shouldn't be forgotten|was away. {7543}{7650}Stories became fairytales,| fairytales became cocks of old nans. {7657}{7727}For some time... {7730}{7807}...was the ring forgotten. {7830}{7901}Until...| ...now... {7915}{7986}When Glum stole it. {8030}{8109}--My chipeshek--. {8147}{8216}Now ring belonged to Glum {8220}{8312}and he went|deep inside the Misty mountains. {8316}{8377}where he was all the time| tormented by the ring. {8394}{8462}It came to me. {8471}{8590}It almost jumped into my hand. It's mine. {8604}{8679}My chipeshek. {8754}{8837}because of the chip Glum|would not pop off. {8840}{8926}He tormented him|for a very long time. {8937}{9041}And peered in the pitch dark|of Glum's hole. {9051}{9133}Darkness has crept back|into the forests of the Wild... {9137}{9203}And some another bullshits|bla, bla, bla.... {9206}{9281}Until|the ring of power has woken up. {9284}{9354}-----CRRRR------, {9360}{9426}It was high time. {9489}{9544}He made off. {9570}{9668}But happened,|what the ring didn't plan. {9697}{9813}A small fat fella|lifted it. {9816}{9842}What is it? {9846}{9881}Hobbit. {9884}{9946}Bimbo Scrotum from the Shire. {10000}{10050}---Lost--Help--. {10060}{10110}--I have lost it!--- {10199}{10259}Soon will came the time, {10263}{10370}when hobbits will completely rule the world. {10400}{10500}Health ministry warns|this film begets spasms of laughter!!! {10610}{10685}The Shire, very long after {11170}{11239}I am singing embarrassing song. {11240}{11320}I am singing embarrassing song, {11330}{11450}About a small wizard, who goes with his small horse {11451}{11580}In a small cargo, he is going to a small hobbit.| and that small hobbit asks him....... now {11620}{11650}Where are you hanging around? {11734}{11820}Magicions never hang around,|Fritol Scrotum. {11842}{11945}And if you don't like it|you can kiss my hat. {12225}{12289}You should have sent me SMS at least. {12394}{12478}I wanted, but those dudes had blocked my simcard again {12525}{12581}Is it going to be any party soon?|Tell me about everything. {12587}{12716}About everything? Are ye kidding?|Maybe some selected actions. {12780}{12895}So, one big party will be in...|but ye are to small for it {12896}{12979}...now I remmember.|A big party {12998}{13063}will be soon in Naador|but ye need a ticket. {13086}{13142}I'll get it in the black market. {13604}{13667}Oh..long expected teaparty. {13702}{13777}"Happy birthday,|Bimbo Scrotum" {13819}{13946}How is that lard-bladder?|I heard it'll be really heavy hooley. {13955}{14029}You know Bimbo.|He will make it an illegal techno party. {14033}{14111}-He will be stoned.|-He's invited half of the Shire. {14137}{14170}Something is going about. {14200}{14300}Okie. Keep yer|secrets,Shamblalf, {14301}{14377}Where did ye buy this bully clobber|and pointed hat? {14397}{14517}I follow latest trends,|e.g. my trunks Adidas lasted me for 2000 years {14539}{14624}and I never changed them,|I truly recommened them. {14632}{14726}I didn't know|ye're such a pig. {14754}{14791}I could shin ye! {14918}{14963}Shamblalf! {15076}{15139}Make the trick with a pointed hat, Shamblalf! {15210}{15279}-Shamblalf!|-Make the trick with a pointed hat! {15287}{15355}Shamblalf... {15400}{15455}Ooooh... Super, godlike, cool!!! {15500}{15555}Mongrels tiresome {15729}{15833}-Cya later, Bye-bye.|-Looking forward, Bye-bye. {15960}{16002}BYE-BYE. {16770}{16806}Fuck off! {16809}{16903}I am fat up with those sellers|of erotic aids. {16906}{16962}And what about a trick with a pointed hat? {17050}{17107}Shamblalf?! {17123}{17164}Bimbo Scrotum. {17172}{17250}-Loathsome weather Shamblalf!|You metalhead. {17254}{17331}You too, you fat pig. {17380}{17422}You never change. {17582}{17640}Let's go in! I am glad to see you!! {17641}{17693}Welcome, welcome. {17827}{17944}Would you like spiritus? Or something more biting?| I have some bottles of fermented snails {17947}{18053}Really good year.|Almost as furry...hm... almost as me. {18112}{18220}My father have soused them.|They're as big as grunter, take it? {18224}{18272}Only peyote, thanks. {18449}{18564}Are you looking forward to the party?|It will be frankly colossal. {18569}{18633}Fritol scrabbled up new|speakers from his friend. {18637}{18696}Illegal size|It'll be throb indeed. {18700}{18766}You promised me the trik|with the pointed hat. {18781}{18856}There is nothing|Fritol wolfed it all down... {18902}{18979}Or no?|Frogs, frogs... {18983}{19041}...there were some frogs somewhere... {19062}{19115}"Lonely mountain" {19126}{19188}...I would roast you some frogs,|if you... {19253}{19293}Only peyote, thanks. {19297}{19317}OK. {19338}{19414}-Would you mind, if I take?|-No fear! {19426}{19510}-Bimbo! Bimbo Scrotum!|-Shout out to them: You sods! {19526}{19639}I am tired of that relatives!!|They change every party to RETRO party. {19650}{19737}I want metal.|METAL, Shamblalf!! {19747}{19866}And then I need to|find a dealer with furry snails, Ooohh peyote. {19870}{19956}-So you wish to accomplish your plan?|-Yes. Everything is ready. {19960}{20010}I have arranged everything. {20058}{20092}Thanks. {20113}{20187}-Fritol dogged something out.|-Nonsense. {20204}{20292}He's a nitwit, for 10 years he hasn't found out,|that I drink his Alpha. {20307}{20353}Are you going to tell him? {20397}{20442}-Maybe|-He will hate you. {20500}{20535}Supr. {20591}{20657}He would go with me,|if I told him. {20686}{20766}I think, he would also like to hear techno. {20805}{20891}hard rock...metal..and so. {21032}{21083}I am old, Shamblalf {21130}{21234}I know, I look like 30, but| for 60 years I draw a full pension. {21309}{21409}I feel like|overchewed chewing-gum. {21446}{21527}Or like |twice used toilet paper. {21530}{21630}I need to unfasten,|completely unfasten. {21644}{21696}And I don't think I will get back. {21773}{21838}in fact... I don't want to... {21911}{22006}Old reek.|The best green from east farthing. {22426}{22485}Shamblalf, you old pothead... {22492}{22555}This will be eventful night.. {23145}{23181}Welcome. {23193}{23232}I am glad to see you. Welcome. {23262}{23318}Go, Some|ask Rosy to dance. {23336}{23449}-I would rather have another glass.|-No, you wouldn't. {23494}{23521}Blow! {23782}{23830}So... {23834}{23923}...it was a feast...|...a small feast. {23933}{24078}We drunk spiritus|and smoked reeky green, {24084}{24163}no one, absolutely no one, stayed sober. {24192}{24265}We drunk so long|till Shamblalf was so smoked over, {24269}{24340}that he showed us|the trick with the pointed....h-huf!!! {24388}{24448}but I shouldn't have told you that. {24709}{24756}Don't catch it, stinkards! {24822}{24854}No, no! That big one! {24856}{24950}-This one?? - Yeah {25108}{25154}-Done!|-Hold it, it'll wrest your hands off. {25157}{25221}-No, it'll wrest YOUR hands off.|-I don't want to be crippled! -Me neither! {25614}{25645}Bimbo! {25687}{25754}-Bimbo! Look, giant vampire.|- A vampire? Are you utterly deleted {25759}{25819}Or you don't recognize a butterfly? {26156}{26191}Cool. {26194}{26232}Now we'll try napalm. {26275}{26327}Berry Brandy {26331}{26375}and Pervitin Gave. {26385}{26425}I should guess it. {26564}{26615}Speech, Bimbo! {26638}{26669}Speech! {26679}{26699}Speech! {26822}{26879}Dear Scrotums and Gaves, {26901}{26949}Grubbs and Chubbs, {26959}{27012}Borrowses, Lardbladders, {27018}{27056}Blowers, {27074}{27104}Beetroots, {27123}{27198}Coconuts a Technofoots. {27203}{27242}Technofeets! {27276}{27353}Today is my 111th techno party! {27355}{27436}Peg out!Peg out! {27446}{27531}After that 111 years|I am totally ... {27535}{27612}...fat up with you.|You are really pissing me off. {27645}{27706}I don't know half|of your names, {27716}{27800}and still I have bellyful of you. {27902}{27948}Now I have to... {28060}{28113}...I have to show you something. {28271}{28321}I have been practising it for really long time. {28416}{28491}It is not better|than a trick with a pointed hat. {28539}{28563}but OK... {28595}{28658}...it'll be in troth juicy... {28722}{28746}Bye-bye. {28750}{28800}Cool... {29545}{29620}Do you think,|you're better than me? {29626}{29709}Give me peace|you're just old bloke {29713}{29776}Do you think, that it was better|than my trick with a pointed hat? {29780}{29838}If you will use the Chip for such bullshits|the baterries will run down. {29841}{29953}You're just a dodo,|you're not better than me. {30000}{30095}-Would you have an eye on Fritol,| don't let him drink too much.. {30104}{30148}Well, When I'm not smoked over... {30179}{30294}-Scrabble up that ticket for him.|-Your ring would do it. Would you give it to him? {30297}{30331}I think so... {30354}{30418}I threw it somewhere into that mess. {30470}{30505}No. {30510}{30562}Wait. I have it... {30605}{30650}...here in my pocket. {30774}{30831}It's queerish. {30933}{30978}I think... {31016}{31129}-Why should I give it to him?|-I think, Fritol should have it.. {31130}{31190}He has never enjoyed a real party. {31200}{31228}I don't know.... {31288}{31330}I want to have fun as well. {31374}{31490}I won't give it to him!! Never, no!!|He's nitwit. I'll have fun myself. {31493}{31560}-Cool down fatso|-Don't call me fatso! {31610}{31650}It's mine. {31687}{31733}My metal. {31748}{31827}-My chipeshek.|-metal? {31849}{31917}You are too old,|For such hard music. {31925}{32034}-You have no say in the matter|-I think, you should visit psychiatrist. {32063}{32159}-Visit him yourself!|-Bimbo Scrotum! Stop pissing me off... {32163}{32233}...I am just an ordinary magician... {32244}{32307} ...and I know just a few tricks... {32455}{32518} ...but I know a trick with a pointed hat. {32691}{32833}Are you scared, stinkard? {32880}{32923}Give it to him... {32951}{33001}I want mama, Shamblalf. {33059}{33115}You're right, I'll stop prancing. {33161}{33226}I'll let it go. Yes, it's time. {33231}{33269}It's time. {33269}{33356}-------Peeeeeep--------- {33356}{33388}Bimbo! {33424}{33477}You have got SMS..aha it's the ring. {33562}{33582}It's hungry.. {34313}{34364}I think...|...I am going to Rivendell. {34422}{34489}I try to find out... {34509}{34601}-what's MATRIX|-I want to see that. {34656}{34687}Bye-bye, Shamblalf. {34747}{34798}Farewell, dear Bimbo. {35170}{35225}Good luck. {36145}{36250}Bimbo!Bimbo! Where are you duffer!! {36470}{36519}Look...Give me joint! {36598}{36655}I haven't one for a really long time. {36675}{36780}I have hostenestly,|bad discontinuation symptoms. {36847}{36880}Shamblalf? {37089}{37178}Bimbo's toy.|He is searching MATRIX, booby. {37200}{37252}And something to melt.... {37362}{37419}... and sell at a profit. {37431}{37479}He left this for you. {37562}{37602}Don't wolf it down, it will be useful. {37619}{37675}-What do you mean?|-Exactly what I've said. {37684}{37725}-And what did you say?|-I begged you... {37741}{37820}-...not to wolf it down.|-I am not so greedy... {37821}{37835}...as you think.. {37973}{38023}Shut up! {38077}{38152}I am fucking off, bye-bye!|and don't wolf it down. {39016}{39054}Peeeaaacccceee! {39075}{39114}Looovveee! {40318}{40382}Stardate 732180830. {40392}{40499}Follows, what wrote Novodur,|exbrother of Romadur {40503}{40563}I went shopping today. {40675}{40800}I forgot cucumbers,|furry snails and toilet paper, {40808}{40890}My gaffer was killed, I wolfed my brother down|for a dinner yesterday {40893}{40990}so I had to find some food on my own.|but still I have that my something.. {40995}{41049}I call it my chipeshek, {41074}{41133}Golly, I forgot chews as well. {41212}{41293}writings on it shines|like red lasers. {41319}{41430}It hurts my eyes| Look, that scrawling is fading!!! {41442}{41532}The writing is hidden|untill you plug in an adapter. {41935}{41976}Melt. {42007}{42043}Sell. {42071}{42149}There's nothing.|I've sold everything. {42205}{42233}Blow. {42405}{42448}-going to spew.|-Bye. {43168}{43223}Bafiky baf! Didn't ye wolf it down? {43440}{43487}Are you smoked over? {43500}{43530}Yeah {43795}{43842}Hand, Fritol. {43856}{43900}Red circlet on palm is cool. {43969}{43996}What do you see? {44056}{44092}Do you see anything? {44179}{44208}Shit. {44229}{44264}Shit's here. {44303}{44332}Wait. {44437}{44479}there are some scrawls. {44524}{44598}It's some fair cow |and it's scrabbled. {44610}{44657}You're right. {44688}{44784}It's a funny rhyme,|but I won't read it here. {44819}{44899}-Pleeease.|-So, It's like this: {44903}{44971}"One ringosh rules them all, {44988}{45045}nine people binds up, {45054}{45109}to party in dark garage, {45113}{45182}bring them all." {45225}{45270}I knew it. It's the free pass for that party in Naador {45278}{45397}I told you about.|It's an entrance card for nine people. {45408}{45515}So you are supposed to...|...find someone else. {45527}{45570}Bimbo has gone... {45599}{45742}-...so he is off luck|-Yeah, and then you can... {45756}{45858}... melt the ring and sell it.|You will make a buck for green. {45862}{45958}Don't get robbed.|Nine big-beaters... {45968}{46091}...stole out from Naador to find tickets|They have motor-horses. {46104}{46153}But they haven't been produced for ages. {46157}{46193}They're wrecks. {46335}{46371}No, they haven't, {46405}{46477}but they are still in bazaars. {46491}{46598}There are lots of such wrecks,| that could be useful. {46621}{46674}There are loads of them. {46698}{46745}Duffers are pretty steaming. {46752}{46839}Bazaar Barack-House|made by Saudruh was opened.. {46853}{46971}I once bought there a horseradio|for Shadowfax. {46975}{47100}and I didn't spare money for the ticket.|I REALLY got upset that time.. {47122}{47252}They all mocked at me,|because of a such small square. {47281}{47383}I would melt them and sell them all. {47408}{47488}Fritol... Don't take me as an example. {47505}{47623}Okie. I'll make myself afro braids. At least two.|But now I am going to hide my free pass. {47636}{47696}I think, it will suit me... {47841}{47891}...What do you think Shamblalf? {47898}{47986}There is only one creature,|which suits afro braids. {48008}{48130}Glum. I asked him, to make me some,|but Orcs found him first. {48185}{48238}They hate afro braids. {48242}{48351}They tried to unplait it,|and he said just: {48354}{48405}Peeeaaaccee! {48408}{48445}Loooovvee! {48453}{48487}Peace? {48499}{48565}Love?|Is he some stupid hippy?! {48640}{48673}You stink!! {48703}{48745}Make yourself a braid, Shamblalf! {48748}{48825}-No. -Draw it by this together.|-Not all off my hair would fit into it! {48828}{48910}-Don't worry it's strechy!|-Fritol, stop it! {48947}{49000}Braids don't suit me. {49012}{49077}I tried it once. {49097}{49140}Trust me, buddy. {49161}{49244}I have been trying to|comb them out for 300 years. {49376}{49440}I broke three rakes|trying to. {49443}{49511}It can hurt,|you know. {49532}{49594}-And what we'll do now?|-Now? {49643}{49679}Now we'll have Deli. {49816}{49855}Gosh, I have a black-out... {49886}{49973}-Wag your tongue, watchers won't see it.|-Kick me on! Hurry up! {49976}{50049}Okie?|I will wait for you in The Joint Of Prancing Cow. {50057}{50110}We are on New Zealand, dude! {50114}{50209}It's in the script.I have to wait for you|in The Joint Of Prancing Cow. {50229}{50303}-What are you wagging again?|I don't know!! {50319}{50353}I don't know your lines!! {50403}{50516}I am going to Sardinman.|He is clever, he knows lines. {50540}{50589}He has even the entire script. {50606}{50676}You can't use|the name Scrotum. {50680}{50737}This name has ill|reputation outside the Share. {50755}{50832}Bimbo was carrying like|a madman on his last journey. {50856}{50929}I don't believe Bimbo could|get blind drunk that much. {50988}{51100}my dear Fritol! You don't| know him yet.. {51103}{51189}Within a week| he had drunk 100 quarts of bear, {51192}{51273}and he was still running|like radioactive fish. {51329}{51355}Snooper! {51645}{51702}Never! Somewise Gaunty! {51705}{51781}-So you were snooping before the doors?|-But there are no doors. {51784}{51846}Are you so drunk,|that you can't tell door from a window? {51851}{51908}Isn't too late for telling| doors from windows? {51916}{51987}-I am crazy to funny rhymes.|- What did you heard? Speak! {51991}{52087}Nothing important. Just something about| party and a dark garage {52090}{52184}and something about Ringosh, but tell|me please what is that garage. {52187}{52242}Please|explain it to me. {52263}{52303}Garage? {52331}{52369}It's the place. {52387}{52455}where people|park their horses. {52514}{52575}Come on, Some. Fritol will|show you a garage. {52621}{52674}Beware of big-beaters. {52679}{52770}Go only on the not marked|touristic trails. {52868}{52905}Didn't you wolf it down? {52950}{53063}I know you have a great taste for it.|But when you are really hungry, eat rather Some {53074}{53190}Eat him by inches,|to let the rest for carrying your backpack. {53204}{53252}legs eat last. Bye-bye! {54233}{54278}I'm thinking about. {54290}{54322}What? {54354}{54391}What Shamblalf told us {54411}{54474}before he made off? {54609}{54648}Don't worry Some. {54850}{54899}You want know what he said? Bad luck. {56067}{56136}What do you want again, trotl? {56164}{56237}- Script again?|- Exactly, my lord. {56446}{56574}-What have you forgotten again?|-Lines to the pic 49 816 to 51 100 {56584}{56662}-I have a big problem.|-Thats because you're not sniffing helium.. {56681}{56782}You should try it.|I think you have to leave out marihuana for some time|it can't be combined with helium. {56806}{56899}So I would speak like "big hoary|madman sniffing helium"? {56909}{56939}Madman? {56965}{57026}Do you think I am madman? {57037}{57120}I rustled up|a big playing stone. {57132}{57257}There is a weird picture in it|sometimes it even talks to me for a while!!! {57270}{57386}He will call me soon maybe.|Do you want to chat with him too? {57405}{57512}It's from bazaar but|it's quality Vietnamese work. {57588}{57661}It's called }>§!;÷×$ß#? {57687}{57809}Shamblalf,| have you ever seen Teletubbies? {57838}{57942}-Of course, yesterday.|-Today was a great episode. {57949}{58063}But Lala pissed me off|he tore off Dipsy's antenna. {58076}{58113}Lala is super! {58115}{58180}Papa Smurf.. {58185}{58240}I'm Smurfette {58248}{58318}So this is that }>§!;÷×$ß#?| it looks really cool! {58339}{58373}obviously. {58384}{58441}It cost me three balloons of helium. {58515}{58605}Truly good design.|And has it Dolby digital? {58610}{58683}And it is electric? {58753}{58814}Electricity is outmoded. {58818}{58876}Modern mechanics works on helium. {58931}{59030}-Helium, helium, helium.|-Helium? {59033}{59106}I founded a helium-room in the cellars. {59111}{59176}Have you ever heard about heliocentric system? {59183}{59260}-You're drawing a long bow.|-I can control myself. {59317}{59401}-Do you want to try it too?|-Never. {59724}{59823}For all helium in the world|just one sniff! {59844}{59892}You will see golden pig! {59972}{60019}Stop laughing at me! {60042}{60096}You can't resist long! {60153}{60223}Why are you stinking here,|Shamblalf? {60257}{60312}Wash your cloak sometimes. {60377}{60439}I recommend you Palmex, friend. {60452}{60509}So by you... I stink? {60542}{60641}So I tell you something.|Helium stinks!!! {61599}{61725}So firstly: you terribly stink,|helium is the best.. {61735}{61833}And Lala is .. bastard!!! {62394}{62426}Oooh Highness? {62442}{62475}Leader! {62525}{62587}-I need to go to the toilet.|-Me too. {62601}{62672}-I can hold it no more.|-You will! {62694}{62795}Aren't there any public toilets?|I am shy. {62798}{62861}We're still in the Share.|There are no public toilets. {62965}{63061}-Berry, this is Fritol the leader.|-Hi, leader. {63095}{63163}-Come on, oooh Highness. {63183}{63250}Well, now it is too late! {63270}{63400}Fear me, I am terrible and I have aggressive guard-cats! {63475}{63544}What stinks here?|It's like someone's wet his pants! {63548}{63640}It can be annoying|when someone can't use the public WC. {63646}{63717}-Who is such a pig?|-Me. {63721}{63792}But why are we flighting? {63810}{63843}Just in case? {64170}{64215}Snack!. {64259}{64318}I think, I has broken something. {64352}{64419}Brandy and Gave,|thats it! {64423}{64493}It was just attraction.| Escape slide. {64499}{64558}-Slide? To where?|-To another snack! {64772}{64803}The shape... {64873}{64922}The size... {64978}{65029}I hear big beat from the distance. {65260}{65311}Pressure wave! Get away! {66450}{66550}wow, there is a lot of food. {67264}{67298}That was something! {68100}{68133}Do you see anything? {68152}{68184}Shit. {68205}{68238}Whats going on? {68273}{68369}The big-beater smelled something.|or someone. {68393}{68427}Leader? {68447}{68468}Get down! {68879}{68985}We have to go to the water.|Some has to wash himself. {69013}{69049}Right. {69085}{69134}To the ferry. Follow me. {69230}{69270}Bububububu! {69273}{69302}Hurry! {69395}{69436}This way! Follow me! {69872}{69921}Untie the rope, Some! {69981}{70013}Fritol! {70033}{70074}-Hurry!|-Leader! {70159}{70238}-Jump!|-Jump, Fritol! {70602}{70676}-Weren't you robbed?|-I lost my mobile! {70679}{70715}Get out of here. {71051}{71081}Come on. {71355}{71389}Good morning. {71394}{71464}Loathsome weather.|Do you have joint? {71521}{71541}Dwarfs. {71552}{71631}Four dwarfs.|And without beards too! {71635}{71703}And one man without a brain.|Stop talking and open. {71732}{71795}Quiet, please, don't kick me.|Oooh Highness! {71799}{71860}It's said |there are 4 dwarfs without beards around. {71861}{71924}If you see them,|let me know. {71932}{71985}There's never enough caution. {72631}{72677}"Joint Of Prancing Cow" {73115}{73136}Get out old bloke. {73186}{73272}Loathsome weather, gentlemen.|I have never seen such faces before. {73276}{73371}You must be new here. |We have services of all kind, sir...? {73428}{73494}Bond.|James Bond. {73511}{73584}-Bond, yeah.|-I would like beer. {73587}{73652}-Shaken, not mixed|-Shaken? {73665}{73700}Not mixed... {73717}{73815}Okie! And are you full-grown,|stinkard? {73826}{73894}We are proper joint,|I don't want to have problems. {73907}{73946}Have you any papers? {74112}{74141}What are we going to do? {74316}{74348}Some. {74355}{74409}Filth, isn't it? {74572}{74604}What is this? {74609}{74665}It's foamily Coca-cola. {74674}{74727}So Coca-cola! {74731}{74811}-And I drink it too.|-You have had already 2 liters! {74967}{75048}That dark man behind|looks like HOBBITOFIL!!!. {75144}{75175}Old bloke. {75223}{75289}Who's that fella ...in the nook? {75321}{75432}He is shark.|It is said, he is HOBBITOFIL!!! {75435}{75504}He is from FBI,|he's looking for agent 007, {75508}{75563}but we call him Streeter. {75597}{75626}Streeter... {75977}{76050}Beer. {76110}{76150}Beer... {76429}{76464}Beer? {76469}{76559}They didn't give it to that fella. {76575}{76655}He's unlucky, he's not adult.Cops even don't let him.. {76659}{76732}..sit in the front of the horse. {76816}{76836}Squeaker! {77500}{77550}Wow, he is STONED! {77571}{78021}Listen, Listen! Big party in Naador.|Find another 8 people and go straight to Naador!! {78184}{78279}Hi boy, I am big|kind hobbitofil. {78414}{78498}-I am not afraid of you!|-But I am. You have so big and sharp teeth. {78502}{78551}-I file them.|-Thats it. {78578}{78680}Though I am butch. I can go out| a candle with my fingers, but my teeth... {78687}{78727}...are smaller. {78744}{78764}Who are you..? {78782}{78803}Don't know, you? {78867}{78951}You have seen trailer,|haven't you. {79047}{79113}Let him go,|or I'll break your knee!! {79158}{79206}With such teeth? {79228}{79320}I am afraid of big-beaters.|May I go with you? {79327}{79354}They will come. {81331}{81370}What are they? {81416}{81464}They were people. {81477}{81524}Till they committed... {81527}{81618}...the worst crime.|They started to listen big beat. {81621}{81704}And they became monsters.|They frantically go for any chance... {81707}{81769}of pretty good prancing. {81904}{81976}They're spectres.Victims of... {81980}{82029}...music industry. {82033}{82105}They have such speakers|that would tear your ears off {82120}{82229}-You don't know me at all.|- Really? {82476}{82535}-Where are you swinging?|-I'm not swinging, just going. {82600}{82712}Are you sure, he is a friend?|I suspect he's not a hobbit. {82731}{82795}He might be a dwarf. {82802}{82913}-Where are we going?|-To Riwendell. To a filling station. {82928}{83014}Did you hear?|We're going for a burger! I'm hungry. {83481}{83556}Gentlemen. What about|a GROUP PHOTO? {83560}{83616}-Do you have camera?|-No, why? {83623}{83690}So well. How can you take pics? {83790}{83845}He will throw an apple at you. {83871}{83957}How do you know?|What do you mean? {83966}{84039}You scared me!|Has he told you? {84048}{84080}Lets bet. {84906}{84962}Whats wrong with you papa Smurf? {84972}{85016}You look terrible. {85030}{85072}Discontinuation symptoms. {86098}{86207}This trees are wooden,| there'll be lots of helium under them. {86222}{86261}I want a balloon. {86922}{86988}This is the place where I had had been living. {87037}{87070}I invite you for a coffee. {87377}{87409}It's for meat. {87431}{87465}It's sharp. {87468}{87508}Don't wolf it down. {87580}{87615}Making off. {87686}{87733}Ugh, my eye has bursted. {87742}{87796}-Give it to me?|-Here you are. {87799}{87845}Dou you want the other one, Same? {87850}{87938}-What are you cooking?|-Everything possible. {87942}{88033}-Ill-luck, nothing left.|-Oooohh, it's burning me, au, au, au! {88070}{88100}Don't finger my back {89629}{89650}You know, you stink! {91200}{91300}Auvays. {91670}{91703}Sweetie! {91814}{91847}Sweetie... {92500}{92682}IT'S BURNING MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! {92735}{92755}Streeter! {92821}{92865}Finish him, please! {92870}{92923}Damn, I am still not the king. {92990}{93074}It might hurt him.|What are we going to do? {93219}{93289}-Quickly!|-Maybe, if you finished him. {93293}{93327}He can't survive. {93335}{93374}Stand it up, Fritol. {93401}{93441}Shamblalf! {97079}{97100}Leader! {97120}{97145}He's getting cold. {97219}{97254}What we'll do with him? {97264}{97347}He will be spectre. |We'll rather eat him. {97503}{97548}-They are near.|-Some. {97568}{97640}-Do you know plant "Grill us"?|-What? -Steak spice. {97643}{97703}-It's everywhere.|-Quicky, while he's warm. {97706}{97749}Hurry. {98020}{98120}What ever?|Shark is going to grill? {99217}{99254}Who is she? {99278}{99315}Fritol. {99323}{99360}Mamma, pickle. {99365}{99400}He'll die. {99520}{99580}I will carry him to Riwendell. {99600}{99672}-We have great cooks.|-Will it be edible? {99676}{99785}Big-beaters are pursuing us. |I shoke some off, I am a macher. {99990}{100039}What are they speaking? {100185}{100229}I have turbo-horse. {100300}{100350}I wish. {100459}{100524}Do you have...tankful? {100527}{100566}Belt up. {100700}{100769}What are you doing?|I haven't eaten for five mins! {103562}{103612}We just want to prance, cow. {103639}{103696}Bad luck,|I am starting to portion. {105013}{105052}No. {105135}{105178}Not yet. {105189}{105221}Engorge the spice. {105247}{105285}Fritol. Try it. {105850}{105950}Matrix...is everywhere. {106102}{106193}-Where am I?|-You are in Matrix. {106235}{106365}The time is exactly what it is.|Date is not important, place neither. {106437}{106505}-Unimportant?|-And what is important? {106506}{106566}Yeah, I would like to know that too.. {106567}{106632}So, I say it like this. {106656}{106742}Does Some know,|what garage is? {106761}{106851}Ok, it doesn't matter, it's unimportant too,|my hobbit. {107040}{107087}What are you wagging, Shamblalf? {107122}{107216}-I smell helium from you.|-I have been carried away. {107366}{107402}We ramped... {107434}{107523}Where did you hide my balloons?!|Speak! {107624}{107733}I think, That's not air|what holds you in the air. {107751}{107883}You have some helium balloons.|Give them back!. {107890}{107930}Right now! {107941}{108016}Peg out you dope! {108041}{108126}I sticked them all on|fangs of sabretooth socks. {108155}{108244}You are dead without them! {108595}{108665}This is not in the script. {108917}{108937}Yaeh, truly? {109025}{109064}No, I am tittle-tattling. {109086}{109107}Leader! {109145}{109220}-Fritol! -Salaam!|-I know, what garage is. {109228}{109268}But that is not important. {109305}{109348}And what is important?|I am flummoxed. {109361}{109450}By the lore of El Bond|only afro-braids. {109518}{109595}And Matrix as well, sir Anderson. {110759}{110840}-Dady!|-And whats your name? {110844}{110888}Fritol. {110998}{111039}"Cooking with hemp". {111042}{111109}"Cookery book by Bimbo Scrotum". {111194}{111282}-so many recipes...|-There are such big plantations.. {111286}{111375}..and they found out|many ways,.. {111383}{111441}..how compose it to chickens,.. {111447}{111515}...boars, kind necromants,.. {111540}{111640}.. and even to see foods. {111750}{111800}Colouring book! {111949}{111985}And I forgot colouring pencils. {111999}{112053}When I was a child I like colouring in,.. {112057}{112098}..when you made maps. {112130}{112270}When I was fifteen I had to decide|what I would once become,.. {112291}{112369}..colours were the obvious choice. {112499}{112542}Then I started prancing. {112601}{112643}You've got a crumb here. {112759}{112835}-What about colours for Fritol?|-Did you take the carrot? {112871}{112960}-We couldn’t stick it together...|-it's unimportant. {112968}{113046}-What? -Are we going to that garage.|-Sure. {113057}{113089}But my mama... {113121}{113183}..is waiting for me with dinner. A month. {113188}{113276}I send her an e-mail from Bree, but she told me... {113279}{113351}...to go back.|The dinner is getting cold. {113362}{113396}I'm hungry. {113506}{113546}Me too. {113607}{113710}We will go home,|but we are going to prance first. {113838}{113898}But it doesn't matter. {113924}{113963}If we are talking about Matrix... {113980}{114109}I have a question.|What does hold me in the air? {114129}{114192}Don't know, but it's definitely not helium.|Sardinman is a windbag, {114196}{114270}but I won't quarrel with him. {114284}{114351}For you everone is a windbag. {114362}{114422}Can't you at least tell me,|What's the time? {114437}{114550}Shamblalf, we're trying to find out,|what holds us in the air. {114554}{114684}And your asking, what the time is?|What a stupid question that is? {114692}{114739}Don't stare from the window and say something. {114789}{114840}This treachery runs deeper than you know. {114859}{114951}By wicked media|has Saruman crossed Orcs with goblin man. {114955}{115023}He's breeding an army|in the caves of Isengard, {115026}{115126}An army that can move in the daylight|and pass distances in a speed. {115130}{115189}Saruman is coming for the ring. {115201}{115276}But these are lines from the original film! {115304}{115392}I feel a mistake in Matrix.|It must be changed and the script with it. {115500}{115524}Shamblalf... {115557}{115610}You're going to the window again? {115920}{115960}Large! {116045}{116100}Does it suit me? {116120}{116230}It's said that afro-braids|cannot be made on a beard. They can. {116260}{116355}Shamblalf, I have trauma from childhood,|When I was just a small cvelflet. {116359}{116439}I was just about 1156,32 years old {116452}{116567}In that time horses haven't|catalyzers and so. {116614}{116679}Wow, it's pretty long time! {116688}{116715}Yeah. {116748}{116790}Indeed it is. {116837}{116938}By accident I have |mixed in a quarrel, and it became... {116949}{117025}...an international conflict|between people and orcs. {117040}{117158}It was...|like this. {117260}{117387}Romadur, son of that king,|great baker, stole Saudruh his ring,.... {117391}{117477}...which he started to use,|as jagger on pikelet. {117542}{117600}Quickly, we have to recruit the fire. {117642}{117723}I escorted Romadur|to the biggest bakery in Naador, {117734}{117821}where he wanted to bake|the biggest doughnut in the world. {117825}{117870}It's too small! {118008}{118041}It's not enough! {118133}{118166}I'm hungry! {118198}{118296}I was so hungry, that|I nibbled my ears to a point. {118407}{118520}ever since all cvelves nibble their ears|to look so good,... {118529}{118599}...perfect|and noble as I do. {118623}{118717}-I feel like a well known painter.|-Do you remember the name? {118745}{118825}You didn't learn it in the artistic education? {118866}{118923}Don't know, the machines rule... {118957}{119007}...my mind. {119804}{119838}Wow, curtana. {119954}{120056}We don't have such strange mauls. {120133}{120177}Damn it, it stings. {120397}{120455}Bobromil is hurt. {121113}{121169}You have to lump it. {121207}{121313}When you grow up,|you will be baker. {121340}{121408}Nothing can forestall it. {121432}{121493}We will see... {121604}{121652}...What I will be. {121728}{121766}You have no chance. {123121}{123198}Where did you buy this tricklet? {123231}{123341}I could carve beautiful shapes with it. {123381}{123503}I tell you what... I am bored with this dialogue. {123518}{123612}I haven't had such a stupid text for a loooong time. {123822}{123906}Take it...and go away. {123940}{124054}-I don't want to drag it out, but...|-So don't drag it out... {124116}{124169}..and beat it.