{10}{100}In my name and in the name of the state.. {104}{205}..I wish to welcome you|on this anniversary twelve meeting. {212}{328}For weaning away the dependence|on hard music. {333}{409}Meeting is completely anonymous. {423}{526}Your dependence is one of|unsettled mistakes in Matrix. {573}{649}Give me the radio, Fritol. {1003}{1049}I want it. {1333}{1429}-Thats my dish!|-Bobromil bulky! {1486}{1601}Bobromil is hungry.|Give Bobromil food. Bobromil bulky. {1622}{1739}If Bobromil not get food,|begin to speak like human. {1742}{1847}All right.|You'll have what you want. {1888}{1992}You could have stopped me,|but you didn't. {1996}{2066}Bobromil shut up.|And please, sit down. {2104}{2201}We don't pay you, to speak|commonly in this film. {2212}{2289}You sharks are|pretty smart, aren't you? {2300}{2443}Such bulshits.|Sit down both of you, clear? {2469}{2511}Come on! {2637}{2673}Damn. {2727}{2792}He put us down. {2847}{2909}I'll smash your face, dude. {3081}{3136}I'll come back. {3194}{3256}But now|I'll be angry. {3397}{3490}I fell asleep.|What has happened during the last five years? {3507}{3565}You have only one choice. {3596}{3647}Turn off the radio. {3774}{3815}I'm already working on it. {4133}{4210}If you can't defeat them,|only one choice is left. {4213}{4289}You have to join them. {4323}{4410}This multifunction thingamabob.. {4424}{4496}..with nice rhyme inside. {4542}{4646}Gives nine of you unique possibility|to get to the biggest... {4649}{4700}...party of Mildew-earth. {4777}{4819}Are there any... {4841}{4878}...volunteers? {4964}{5037}I have pranced in|Naador few times. {5069}{5154}There were so big|and delicious canapés. {5179}{5244}You haven't seen it. {5277}{5364}I'm not lying, truly this big. {5400}{5451}Exactly to the hand. {5455}{5538}There was everything in them. {5547}{5639}Marinated orc's eyes,|big furry slains.. {5644}{5746}I won't forget it, I'm certainly going. {5757}{5825}If you're going|I'm going as well. {5829}{5925}-You don't want to prance?|-You're talking to me, cvelve's puss? {5928}{6044}Who won't stand up in three seconds|is not going and I bite his head off right here. {6047}{6137}No one will bite my head off.|I have too beautiful beard! {6220}{6251}Matrix needs you! {6976}{7010}I'm going. {7084}{7118}I'm going. {7277}{7322}I'm going to Naador. {7542}{7575}But... {7653}{7692}...I'm afraid of you. {7744}{7836}I'm glad, if you take me along. {7847}{7902}Will you? {7959}{8071}I hope I'm going too,|because I have so sexy voice. {8160}{8200}Will you marry me? {8260}{8299}Do you want me? {8322}{8362}I'll maid. {8550}{8605}this all is really nice. {8669}{8729}Now we miss only.. {8753}{8817}...a cook, an idiot and a seer. {8893}{8998}-I can cook quite well.|-You also stink quite well. {9002}{9096}I found it out, because|heads of all squirrels bursted.. {9140}{9187}Is this the way to eatery? {9208}{9314}I can foretell a bit. Wasn't someone|talking about slains? {9320}{9418}By the way, I am|idiot a little. A little bit {9430}{9460}The least bit. {9479}{9500}in fact. {9550}{9596}They noticed it, Pepin. {9650}{9694}A couple of metalheads. {9740}{9771}So... {9792}{9862}...you are|The fellowship of the thingamabob. {9882}{9953}Multifunctional? With a rhyme inside? {10227}{10290}My old cheese knife. Toothpick. {10297}{10328}It cuts orcs too. {10464}{10518}-It's nice.|-Yeah, yeah. {10522}{10567}It's totally dense. {10572}{10663}These cracks are|from orcs teeth. {10668}{10779}It's quality american|work by Vietnamese. {10792}{10845}I have here one more funny thing. {10863}{10900}Costume... {10910}{10955}...from Star wars. {10960}{11016}Sewn for Yoda. {11020}{11072}It will suit you. {11292}{11332}That reminds me of.... {11375}{11450}my old tricks. {11473}{11556}I could scare people|a lot once. {11984}{12058}I was trully|pretty good. {12079}{12165}I could scare|even myself {12287}{12344}Sometimes I even pissed myself... {14105}{14199}Stardate 776327768, Shamblalf's diary. {14213}{14306}We have run out of toilet paper,|we have used squirrels instead. {14311}{14398}And then Bobromil cooked a chicken|from them on his shield. {14402}{14510}Two, one, five.You teach me|fencing and I teach you counting. {14527}{14565}I want to see that. {14568}{14620}-He's getting into it.|-Not a bit! {14667}{14762}What about going to a football match? {14763}{14859}Today plays Nausea Condom|against Manchester Uneated.. {14860}{14934}Shamblalf, my friend|Dablin has tickets for me {14935}{15029}He is a miner, he lives|in the North in Romia. {15030}{15097}No, dude, I'm not going on football. {15101}{15156}I am panic about|paving stones. {15380}{15402}You stink! {15492}{15521}Don't bother stronger ones! {15525}{15575}Get your hand out of my nose! {15579}{15611}Give me back my eye! {15614}{15670}-Look, UFO!|-That's not UFO. {15675}{15757}It's just unidentified|flying object. {15815}{15885}-Squirrels take revenge!|-Hole up! -Quickly! {15889}{15930}You must save me! {15940}{15970}Panic!!! Panic!!! {16000}{16050}Fire!! Fire!! Fire!! {16053}{16080}Quickly, there's no time!! {16745}{16790}Special Sardinman's squirrels... {16797}{16852}...stufed with helium. {16906}{16977}I know a great shortcut. {17753}{17788}Moron. {17793}{17838}He's hypnotized himself. {17842}{17944}My eyelids are heavy, I'm getting back| to the primitive stadium of my self. {17949}{17999}Now I even don't know,... {18099}{18145}...what's my name. {18150}{18186}Bobromil! {18203}{18259}This part of the film|is lenghty, return it. {18505}{18540}Wow... {18570}{18606}I'm truly afraid of you. {19470}{19570}What they did to you?| They have to be positive characters. {19580}{19623}I'm getting angry. {19651}{19690}But no fears. {19727}{19878}They'll see the power of helium. {20078}{20115}I'm still the most beautiful... {20204}{20260}Rolling Stones|are on a tour again. {20300}{20344}Jabadabaduuuu! {20558}{20661}This concert has some side effects! {20668}{20688}A little bit. {20770}{20875}Heliuman!!! Do you hear me?! {21050}{21300}Of course, here am I...|Take care!! There is a snowballing!!!!! {21350}{21380}Where? {22308}{22405}Weren't you talking about a shortcut?|Shortcut means, that it's shorter. {22414}{22472}I'm going to restart myself because of it... {22475}{22555}We can make for China's wall over Antarctica. {22558}{22632}Why won't we go|to that Stone's concert? {22636}{22687}We'll buy tickets. {22760}{22848}Tickets. You know, I have|bought them all... {22868}{22962}You know, why Bobromil wears|that cover of the bin on his back. {23009}{23109}You know it|since the first moment. {23154}{23218}He was a DUSTMAN! {23320}{23383}You choose Fritol.|Stones or football? {23513}{23550}Football? {23627}{23666}We're going to football. {23715}{23748}Football. {23954}{24034}Coooool. {24348}{24385}Nice. {24398}{24485}It is nice wall indeed. {24807}{24922}I'm citing: "Stadion opened every Saturday and Sunday,... {24926}{25006}...daily from Monday to Tuesday." {25010}{25065}-So we have to wait for Saturday?|-Come on. {25069}{25159}Maybe if I push to it a little| it'll open. {25360}{25400}Nothing?? {25600}{25700}Shamblalf's pushing, pushing down lying.|He won't stop until he gets in. {25701}{25800}Shamblalf is still out,| so he goes on break dancing {25801}{25903}Handle clicked, door blows|Shamblalf's entering {25904}{26015}So smart human and| he's trying to open a graffiti on the wall. {26039}{26087}He's a cretin. {26097}{26138}Exactly. {26177}{26253}The horse would die because of him. {26426}{26483}This is supposed to be depressive. {26523}{26583}I give up, it's strawberring me. {26838}{26870}And what about a BANG? {26948}{27026}Here is said: "Made a bang!" {27043}{27099}Shamblalf, Make a bang. {27147}{27176}BANG {27609}{27662}I'm looking forward to... {27665}{27737}...pretty GOOD match. {27741}{27815}Enormous stadium and lots of flags. {27818}{27872}Lots of blood and meat. {27914}{28042}but it seems, we have come too late,|it's over, but never mind. {28058}{28093}Never mind! {28130}{28208}You call this a football? {28424}{28463}Ne-e. {28527}{28557}Arrow! {28659}{28708}Our team has lost. {28712}{28760}Opponents might be still here. {28790}{28848}I'm afraid. I want mama.. {30679}{30734}Has anyone a torch? {30768}{30862}I have just this little light... {30893}{30931}...with luminosity... {30944}{31079}about... 3,5|dead fire-fly.. {31309}{31397}Take care, don't put|your foot wrong. {31404}{31477}It terribly stinks here. {32077}{32125}Take care,|you stupid hobbit. {32614}{32678}I forgot to turn off iron at home. {32750}{32850}It seems, that Shamblalf is thinking. {32875}{32900}His head is smoking. {33197}{33237}Monkeys live in the underground? {33257}{33289}What did you think? {33309}{33395}-Don't know.|-And what do you think they eat? {33410}{33471}I have no idea, I'm illiterate. {33480}{33557}They bite hobbit's fingers. {33720}{33783}This is a special case. {33788}{33843}His eyes are bigger than his|brain, thats why... {33848}{33913}...he's to crawl on all fours|not to topple over his head. {33914}{33995}He must have hard life.|Tell me something about him. {33996}{34024}Sure? {34037}{34108}He was born in a family|of poor Arabian sheikhs. {34130}{34201}His parents cast him away. {34205}{34274}and left him alone|in the middle of oilfields. {34291}{34370}A band of seabears|looked after him. {34408}{34499}But they turned out|to be racists. {34509}{34591}They unbowed him in the end. {34595}{34683}But he wasn't downcast by that|and he founded a system of fast-foods... {34687}{34789}...offering McBear Burger. {34858}{34949}When the provisions of bears run out,| he went bankrupt. {35115}{35191}Poor monkey. {35228}{35314}-Could I look after it?|-I don't think so. {35317}{35415}You know I still have to|tie your laces. {35420}{35580}Your cactus has died recently,|because you didn't feed it enough. {35587}{35690}I don't want to remind it,|I know how much you liked it. {35691}{35756}I'll clone you a new one. {35761}{35849}Don't worry about the monkey. {35872}{35980}Cos' I was totally stupidly and mindlessly|drivelling ... {36015}{36081}...all the time! {36110}{36181}-He stopped it.|-NO, he didn't. {36271}{36379}I just don't want to lie any more. {36757}{36835}I have changed batteries luckily. {37024}{37116}Dwarfs collection of telegraph|post from 20th century. {37230}{37286}I'm bored. {37891}{37920}Cremli! {37930}{37960}NO!!! {37970}{38010}What's going on there?! {38020}{38100}What is it? {38106}{38180}Ah,no!Not this.. {38244}{38298}No...It's horrible {38300}{38400}No. Why me? Why?! {38535}{38626}"Here lies Dablin, coach of dwarfs... {38637}{38680}...121" {38739}{38783}He's knocked out. {38823}{38856}There will be more. {39000}{39025}Hold it, small {39301}{39370}Look, do you know square root of four? {39374}{39424}They raised back-ups. {39440}{39475}after middle limb. {39509}{39631}We hardened defence,|everyone defends. {39651}{39690}Spectators are crazy {39727}{39755}Drums. {39775}{39833}Drums from the hall {39944}{39988}Decibels are tearing our ears. {40039}{40095}Their referee is too good. {40171}{40215}We're loosing. {40307}{40344}We're fucked. {41383}{41440}You elephanted it over! {41441}{41517}That means dubbed, but a billion times worse. {42245}{42274}Come on {42456}{42512}Start it up, Anakin. {42672}{42720}One of them has overgrown a little. {43098}{43134}Let them come! {43138}{43230}I'll show them,|how to choke with beard. {45868}{45925}This was my|best frying pan. {46051}{46078}Leader! {46892}{46953}Paragon! Model! {46964}{46999}Fritol! {48089}{48122}Fritol! {49581}{49615}O-ou. {49811}{49860}He will pay me these pants. {49918}{49987}Sorry, I don't know|what happened, I wasn't concentrated. {49993}{50034}What did you think? {50052}{50113}You have to be dead. {50117}{50215}You will keep this surviving|for yourself, okie? {50371}{50403}Nitwit... {50463}{50533}There're just troubles with him. {50671}{50720}Forward a step,|backwards do two. {52803}{52853}Pardon, I farted. {53259}{53299}Bramborg. {53333}{53392}No, you didn't, Bobromil. {53459}{53515}It was referee|he's watching us. {53542}{53576}I'm going. {54198}{54222}Dude. {54239}{54287}Get out of here. {54312}{54349}I need privacy. {54412}{54450}Hurry. {54462}{54512}I have to go. {55222}{55252}Come here! {55693}{55733}Merry! Pepin! {55993}{56024}Some. {56096}{56153}You think dwarfs can't fly? {56246}{56293}My beard no! {56365}{56390}Fritol! {56434}{56458}Here! {56599}{56626}Wait! {56698}{56728}Not yet! {57240}{57269}Hold! {57526}{57557}Surf! {57694}{57721}Come! {58177}{58208}Over the bridge! {58225}{58255}Quickly! {59336}{59380}I have no time. {59386}{59427}Shamblalf! {59530}{59586}Now I'll send to you|a hard military fire-fly. {59590}{59642}Version 2.81, upgraded. {59675}{59757}Hope you can fly. {59998}{60046}You stink. {60232}{60335}I have no time! {61036}{61074}Shamblalf! {61267}{61316}I'll fly a bit. {61424}{61479}No! {61628}{61665}Paragon! {63050}{63100}Legoland, hold up your ears. {63218}{63271}I'll miss the pointed hat. {63274}{63343}Don't addle it here now. {63358}{63444}I'll buy you another wizard. {63462}{63547}Get up, you lazy-fellows! {63576}{63613}We have a mission. {63637}{63668}Fritol. {63720}{63750}Fritol! {65023}{65073}You stepped on my|beard again, nitwit. {65097}{65174}Grow a beard as well.|Then we would talk.. {65203}{65242}Like bearded... {65277}{65320}...with bearded {65361}{65405}But enough of that. {65417}{65464}Someone's watching us. {65548}{65628}-They want to steal my beard. {65655}{65708}Buddy {65717}{65851}-There is no place...|...for bearded. {65852}{65980}Beards bring lice,|leprosy, stink and dwarfs. {65983}{66096}And what I hate most|is, when togged out blonds... {66117}{66191}...point their arrows on my beard. {66417}{66524}I'm Robie Hooch.|From wealthy take, to poor give not. {66745}{66847}Stop it, or I won't hold it.|I didn't hold it. {66852}{66921}Do you think he's wet his pants? {66927}{66975}Or slips? {67050}{67078}Come. {67083}{67117}We'll find it out. {68743}{68847}Something terribly stinks here.|Could it be me? {68856}{68970}No, it can't be me, we have|washed us yesterday, haven't we sweetie? {69034}{69101}Yes, we have. {69233}{69300}Only people who use Ariel... {69321}{69392}...are absolutely clean... {69402}{69462}...and scented. {69804}{69909}And the clean people|rule the world today. {69988}{70102}But no fears, there's enough of Ariel for you. {70116}{70199}Go to our washing machine,|it will be turn on in 8 p.m.. {70260}{70386}-After today's bathing...|-Get rid of that stinkards... {70426}{70492}Fritol Scented. {70828}{70878}This is cvelves anthem. {70931}{71029}-What is it about?|-Tell me what do you think. {71053}{71112}Lets discuss it. {71180}{71287}I think it's about|drawning an elephant. {71313}{71371}I don't think so, Tim. {71444}{71500}I think, it's a ritual song. {71522}{71588}It is about a ritualistic|sacrifice of washing machine. {71614}{71711}They extinguished it.|Buddhists stood around. {71781}{71824}With long tubes. {71881}{71938}I don't know how it is called|but they played it. {72181}{72233}All this commanded a magician. {72255}{72322}He summoned the spirits of the forest. {72327}{72413}They drunk the water from the washing machine. {72483}{72562}I find it deadly cruel|this abusing of washing machines. {72568}{72643}Water-thirsty beasts. {72724}{72783}It was still under warranty. {72810}{72947}But washing machines will revolt one day... {72968}{73033}They will rule the whole world. {73124}{73234}And we will be their humble servants. {73288}{73338}Sounds good. {73373}{73406}I agree. {73428}{73516}I decided,|I wish to be a washing machine. {73573}{73630}Hence call me:... {73648}{73716}The Great son of Whirlpool! {75341}{75402}Cao Fritol. {75408}{75442}Whew. {75513}{75620}I learned few magic tricks|from David Copperfield. {75638}{75694}I pour water into basin. {75772}{75817}Abracadabra. {75840}{75882}Thaumaturgy. {75912}{75962}Simsalabim. {76047}{76101}Gs vi la pisin. {78109}{78161}Impressive, isn’t it? {78238}{78292}And look at this. {78340}{78434}I can speak to you, though|I don't move my mouth. {78494}{78592}It's a special|cinematic trick. {78627}{78754}At first it is narrated... {78780}{78859}And then you put it into|a scene, where I am silent. {78929}{78983}And I know another tricks. {78998}{79058}Which Shamblalf taught me. {79098}{79154}I must concentrate. {79260}{79357}I make myself ready,|I shake my hand this way. {79507}{79588}Stare at you|and here it is! {79599}{79695}I'm shining and yelling at you. {79704}{79761}I have distended eyes. {79789}{79897}Wind is playing with my garment. {79914}{80017}It's something, isn't it.|I'm totally crazy. {80383}{80437}However, it's... {80448}{80524}...exceedingly exhausting. {80556}{80612}I'm tired. {80624}{80670}Launder yourself. {80752}{80811}But still I am a witch. {80816}{80901}In fact I know this trick|better than Shamblalf. {80925}{80991}My eyes shine more. {81010}{81062}I can teach you. {81109}{81155}If you want. {81176}{81235}I know what to do then. {81265}{81287}But... {81369}{81413}...I'm frightened. {81507}{81599}So small elfin, like you,|cannot be so much frightened. {81760}{81857}You're my best heliodiggers {81916}{81971}I'll reward you. {82022}{82086}I know how. {82105}{82171}I'll hold a competition. {82193}{82289}For longest orc's braids. {82323}{82363}I think... {82400}{82445}...you would win. {82466}{82537}My only love. {82588}{82639}But they would suspect us. {82650}{82705}Beasts! {83209}{83287}Who brings more than|50% of a living hobbit,... {83295}{83359}...can spend a weekend...with me. {83366}{83425}This competition includes all orcs. {83562}{83648}I'll bet on you, my|most beloved. {83652}{83753}I would take up|with only 40% from you. {83795}{83827}Contest begins. {84579}{84642}I give you this bulb. {84675}{84733}However, it's not working. {84752}{84787}Adios! {85017}{85106}Ave Caesar! {85126}{85211}Hasta la vista baby! {87600}{87630}Buddy. {87678}{87710}Fascists. {87799}{87881}But they're rising wrong hand. {87903}{87938}They're dull. {89845}{89898}It's nice place.|Let's have a picnic? {89903}{89963}I hope you have no objection. {89967}{90021}-Moment, I'll unpack it.|-Sure. {90051}{90137}And we can invite orcs,|they're on the other shore. {90153}{90231}I think, it's good idea. {90237}{90300}And if there is more of them,... {90321}{90389}...we can eat them. {90393}{90439}We'll overeat. {90448}{90489}I'm not like that. {90515}{90595}I eat nothing I have had a nice|chat with a few mins before. {90598}{90638}I eat anything. {90711}{90758}-Pass it over.|-No. {90762}{90842}I eat orcs only with|French loaf and caviar. {90875}{90932}We'll surely find something. {90961}{91023}There must be some|spawn in the forest. {91069}{91144}But...we have no French loaf. {91199}{91271}So gentlemen don't like homely... {91274}{91317}...grilled little orc. {91347}{91387}Where's the leader? {92006}{92065}You don't want any sticks? {92084}{92170}Like keepsake.|they're truly B-E-A-utiful. {92224}{92260}Don't want? {92442}{92500}You have something against sticks? {92519}{92575}What you don't like on sticks? {92622}{92672}They have wide usage. {92737}{92782}Brandy says,|I will die soon. {92803}{92886}-I'm collecting sticks on coffin.|-Pick the black ones. {92895}{92971}It can be slabbed better|and black colour is slenderizing. {92990}{93056}Do you think|I am fat? {93077}{93127}What do you think, Fritol? {93131}{93220}I could also tell you,|how small, meaningless and small you are. {93224}{93313}-But I just won't do it.|-You are such lard-bladder. {93353}{93435}You dubbed it, buddy.|Now catch it! {93472}{93535}-You're lucky,|I missed you. {93554}{93637}-My body mass index is normal.|-But still you are FAT. {93685}{93746}You're lucky, I'll die soon. {93767}{93806}But before it... {93823}{93865}...I will smash... {93882}{93959}...your soul and that money you owe me|for those blue eyes. {94027}{94060}FAT?! {94086}{94180}It's because of upbringing and|I have very heavy bones as well. {94184}{94230}Return me my eyes! {94248}{94284}-Return it!|-No! {94518}{94609}I feel it, I'm going to die|right now. {94642}{94679}Ah, yes, here it is. {94696}{94761}My heart is stopping... {94781}{94867}I feel pressure on breast!|I can't breath! Do you want this?! {95038}{95068}I survived? {95176}{95208}I live... {95313}{95351}Maybe, I am in heaven. {95366}{95451}But it is still like on Earth. {96641}{96671}Old chap. {96705}{96747}Don’t call me old chap. {96751}{96823}-Why not?|-It sound perversly.What a day. {96840}{96873}Perverse? {96930}{97034}-I'm not perverse.|-You are a little bit. {97252}{97300}You have two eyes. {97887}{97943}Don't do it, you're getting crazy. {97983}{98039}You see, It's beginning. {98131}{98164}Sorry. {98220}{98302}I'm crapping out,|I'm frightened. {98322}{98362}Bye-bye, buddy. {98440}{98471}Bye-bye, Fritol. {98554}{98586}Hail! {98595}{98627}Ciao! {98750}{98850}Well, you came to picnic? {99224}{99255}Look, dude! {99486}{99543}Kill hobbits! {99568}{99612}Kill hobbits! {99707}{99743}I'm flying! {99907}{99948}Do you have ketchup? {100466}{100495}Fritol. {100510}{100560}We have grub, quickly. {100565}{100596}Come on. {100659}{100690}Is he stupid? {100809}{100840}Completely. {100971}{101018}-No!|-Pepin! {101159}{101209}Nice hols, ciao. {101224}{101285}Hey, hey stinkards! Here! {101291}{101351}-Here!|-This way! {101610}{101670}I think, someone follows us. {102853}{102890}We'll miss the steamship! {102905}{102936}Quickly. {103515}{103560}Run! Run! {108454}{108512}-How are you?|-Fine. {108531}{108578}Picnic. Good picnic. {108627}{108677}And how are you? {108681}{108736}You know, time to time {108764}{108822}I had a discussion with Fritol. {108855}{108917}You have spotted yourself with blood. {108921}{108951}It's ketchup. {108960}{109003}And these arrows... {109019}{109068}...I spiked them in myself just in case. {109071}{109146}I understand, I would do the same. {109180}{109222}Let's make a fresh start. {109250}{109310}Stop it.You've stained with blood.. {109313}{109345}...your jacket. {109384}{109433}I'm dying. {109456}{109512}Brandy told me. {109519}{109573}I have no sticks for coffin. {109696}{109761}I will stay with you till death. {109766}{109854}Till your death. Would you mind|If we eat you up? {109883}{109927}At least a hand. {109968}{110004}All right. {110090}{110124}Right hand. {110661}{110722}You'll have it with ketchup. {110770}{110803}Don't worry,... {110880}{110916}...I'll come back. {111400}{111444}I hope Karmen won't... {111459}{111508}...see this. {112953}{113069}When I was small, I wanted to be either|metalhead or fruit to Yogobella. {113070}{113140}But Shamblalf always answered: {113213}{113344}Stop watching these stupid comercials|Your brain will go soft. {113369}{113420}Think also about... {113436}{113537}...socially more remarkable profesions,|like Mafioso, or drug dealer. {114246}{114280}Wait for me! {114303}{114337}Fritol! {114355}{114402}-Wait for me!|-Shut up. {114505}{114604}Stop it, Some. The thing, you have|around your waist, is not a swimming belt. {114610}{114646}You're wrong. {114653}{114692}It upholds me. {114736}{114776}I don't like you! {114883}{114917}Swim away! {115058}{115089}Dude! {116069}{116129}You must take me with you. {116140}{116231}Because I don't|know the way home. {116277}{116321}So I will... {116343}{116379}...still bother you. {116435}{116471}Love. {116480}{116500}Darling {116837}{116871}Let's go. {117565}{117664}Those two small stinkards|flyed away with our ticket. {118028}{118127}-We won't follow them?|-We'll meet on the place. {118228}{118286}And what about the picnic? {118303}{118353}I'm starving. {118625}{118689}Don't take wrong,|what I'm going to tell you. {118741}{118838}Cremli is such a pig|that he can search truffles. {118866}{118921}Yes, he truly can do it. {118926}{118995}So let's go mushrooming. {119028}{119073}We have to relax. {119082}{119141}We'll have a truffle-hunt!! {119751}{119821}There'll be party beyond the mountains. {119852}{119900}You're looking forward to it? {119938}{119990}And what will they play there? {120022}{120070}That's absolutely clear. {120085}{120116}Metal. {120173}{120198}Some... {120287}{120353}...I don't like metal. {120450}{120520}Censured by:| nobody {120600}{120800}If you see any mistakes or ways to improve this, please do it. {120850}{120950}Subtitles made by:|Wenyar